Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Synthetic Safari

Sorry for my extended absence. I've been busy graduating from Ohio State and stuff, but now that's done and my seasonal work as a naturalist will be resuming in the spring, so I should be able to get back to a semi-regular posting schedule. With my return, I have decided to rename this blog from "Dragons, Flies, and Dragonflies" to "Cameron's Critter Blog." While I do love dragonflies (as my first post can attest), this is not strictly a dragonfly blog, but a general critter blog.  

Now that that's out of the way, here is a photographic series from the photography class I took during my final semester:

Did any of those fool you at first?

As you've no doubt figured out, the subjects of these photos are all inanimate figurines, which I placed in natural environments to try to bring them to life, if you will.

Stay tuned; next month, I'll be back with a big post about a real critter, which just so happens to be my favorite animal!